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Personal hygienic and disinfectant products

NOVAlCOL- 250 ml - box of 12 bottles

Novalcol can be used pure before and after the injection, or previously diluted in the ratio of 1:4 (1 part of Novalcol and 4 parts of water) in the preoperative cleaning of the patient (or for those confined to bed). Useful for disinfecting, cleaning and deodorizing rooms, floors, surfaces, tiles, sanitary facilities, etc. Novalcol is non toxic, non irritant and non inflammable. It does not stain or hurt. Efficient against gram+, gram-- - virus. Instructions on the bottle in English -Italian Italian Health Ministry Registration PMC 13428

Item #: 68937
Unità di vendita: box of 12 pcs.
Quantitativi minimi: 1

€ 22,00

• Chemical composition:

• Dideculdimentilammonium Chloride 100 mg
• Phenilphenol: 20 mg
• I sopropylic Alcohol 3.6 mg
• Soluble essential oils of lemon 1g
• Coformulants: 0.2 mg
• Deionized sterilized water as needed for 100 g
• Made in Italy.