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Kai biopsy punches and dermal curettes
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BIOPSY PUNCHES - 4 mm - with plunger

Stainless steel sharp cutting edge, ribbed handle for sure grip. Size embossed on each punch for easy identification. Suggested for dermatology, gynaecology, podiatry. Each punch is individually sealed in a peel-apart see-through package. Seamless stainless steel cutting edge ensures a consistently smooth cutting surface, allowing optimal specimen quality. Internal Plunger System Ejects lodged skin specimen inside the metal lumen of the punch. Single-use Sterile Biopsy Punches Biopsy Punches: 4 mm Blade length: 7 mm Minimum order: 20 pcs.

Item #: 65638
Unità di vendita: 1 pc.
Quantitativi minimi: 20
NSIS: 202765/R
CND: A01020101

€ 3,10
(€ 3,78 IVA Inclusa 22%)

Minimum quantity: 20